■Can/できる/Poder 練習文15問 (その2) #47

「できる (can/is able to)」は、スペイン語で「poder」です。




  1. I can eat.
  2. She can sing.
  3. We (feminine) can drive.
  4. They (masculine) can paint.
  5. I can study.
  6. He can’t talk.
  7. We (masc) can’t laugh.
  8. I can’t study.
  9. Can he sing?
  10. Can they (fem) paint?
  11. Can you (informal) drive?
  12. Can she eat?
  13. Can we (masc) paint?
  14. I couldn’t eat.
  15. I couldn’t sing.


16. She couldn’t eat.

17. We (feminine) could drive.

18. Could you (informal) study?

19. You (formal) could talk.

20. She could sing.

21. They (feminine) couldn’t drive.

22. Could he talk?

23. Could you (informal) paint?

24. Could she drive?

25. Could they (masculine) study?

26. I couldn’t talk.

27. She couldn’t laugh.

28. They (feminine) couldn’t eat. 

29. I can’t breath.

30. Can you swallow?



to eat = comer

to drink = beber

to study = estudiar

to talk = hablar

to paint = pintar

to sing = reir (iにアクセント)

to drive = conduicir


I can = (yo) puedo

I could = (yo) pude

you can = (usted) puede

you could = (usted) pudo

we can = (nosotros) podemos

we could = (nosotros) pudimos

they can = (ellos) pueden

they could = (ellos) pudieron


16. (Ella) no pudo beber.

17. (Nosotras) pudimos conducir.

18. ¿ Pudiste (tu) estudiar?

19. (Usted) pudo hablar.

20. ¿(Ella) pudo cantar?

21. (Ellas) no pudieron conducir.

22. ¿Pudo (el) hablar?

23. ¿Pudiste (tu) pintar?

24. ¿Pudo (ella) conducir?

25. ¿(Ellos) pudieron estudiar? 

26. (Yo) no pude hablar.

27. (Ella) no pudo reir.

28. (Ellas) no pudieron comer.

29. (Yo) no puedo respirar.

30. ¿Puede (usted) tragar?


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